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No Cost, No Obligation Pest Test.

Our primary service at Pest Control Connect is connecting folks with those “hard-to-get-rid-of” pest problems with experienced, licensed, bonded, and insured pest control experts who have been vetted for top notch service and trustworthiness.

We have made getting connected with the top pest control experts in your community easier than ever. Here is how to get connected in less than 30 seconds.

Answer a few simple questions about who you are, what pest problems you may be facing and what community you live in.

Upon completing the short form, our system will look through our vast network of THOUSANDS of experts to find a partner we trust within your community. Once matched, that partner will call you immediately to schedule your NO COST, NO OBLIGATION Pest Test.

Simply keep your appointment and your expert will help you understand the depth and breadth of the pest infestation, without charging a dime.

They will also provide you with options for getting rid of the pests once and for all. These options will include an honest estimate of having a seasoned professional take care of it.


Cockaroaches are one of the most pervasive pests in the US. They are easy to contract and HARD to get rid of. These disease carrying pests are especially sickening because they often hide in place where food is commonly made. They easily spread their germs across everyday appliances like microwaves, coffee makers and blenders.


Termites cause more home damage than any other insect. These pests are more than just an inconvenience, they can literally make your dream home a hazard zone. They can weaken the structural integrity of your home to a point where it is no longer safe to stay there.


These monsters are predatory, venomous, and present an ever threatening presence in a home. The poisonous bite is extremely painful, and can cause anaphylaxis, cardiac ischemia, and neurotoxicity. You may even need a Tetanus update after a bite from one of these. These are especially dangerous in homes with small children.

Mice and Rats

Mice and Rats are disease ridden, pooping machines. With a mice infestation, it is common to find their feces in common areas where food is regularly prepared. Additionally, they are known for chewing their way through boxs, dry wall, and insulation to make homes for themselves. These become ground zero for these pests.


Ticks, especially in midwest and New England areas are carriers of Lyme disease, which is a bacterial infection that produces flu like symptoms for 2 – 4 weeks! Lyme disease is curable but requires an Oral antibiotic and patients can sometimes have symptoms of pain, fatigue, or difficulty thinking that last for more than 6 months after they finish treatment.


Another disease carrying nuisance, often found in areas close to water. Besides their incredibly annoying (and itchy) bitses, these buggers are carriers of extremely dangerous disease like Zika virus, West Nile virus, Chikungunya virus, dengue, and malaria. While you may never be able to fully be rid of these monsters, with regular care, they can be drastically reduced, and made more manageable with over the counter products.

Get a NO COST, NO OBLIGATION Pest Test from one of our trusted partners.

Permanently Solving A Pest Problem Has Never Been Easier! With Pest Control Connect, solving your pest problem, whether ants, mosquitoes, moths, flees, lice, bed bugs, ticks, mice, termites, spiders, or centipedes, has never been easier. Get connected to a TRUE EXPERT in seconds.